Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bye bye

This is for my peoples who just lost somebody
Your best friend, your baby, your man, or your lady
Put your hand way up high
We will never say bye (no, no, no)
Mamas, daddies, sisters, brothers, friends and cousins
This is for my peoples who lost their grandmothers
Lift your head to the sky ’cause we will never say bye
As a child there were them times
I didn’t get it but you kept me in line
I didn’t know why you didn’t show up sometimes
It’s something more than saying "I miss you"
But when we talked too
All them grown folk things
Separation brings
You never let me know it
You never let it show because
You loved me and obviously
There’s so much more left to say
If you were with me today face to face
I never knew I could hurt like this
And everyday life goes on like
"I wish I could talk to you for awhile"
"I wish I could find a way try not to cry"
As time goes by
And soon as you reach a better place
Still I’ll give the whole world to see your face
And I’m right here next to you
It feels like you gone too soon
The hardest thing to do is say bye bye
(Bye Bye [3x])
Bye bye
And you never got the chance to see how good I’ve done
And you never got to see me back at number one
I wish that you were here to celebrate together
I wish that we could spend the holidays together
I remember when you used to tuck me in at night
With the Teddy Bear you gave to me that I held so tight
I thought you were so strong
That you can make it through whatever
It’s so hard to accept the fact you’re gone forever
(bye bye bye bye bye bye [3x])
Bye bye
This is for my peoples who just lost somebody
Your best friend, your baby, your man, or your lady
Put your hand way up high
We will never say bye (no, no, no)
Mamas, daddies, sisters, brothers, friends and cousins
This is for my peoples who lost their grandfather
Lift your head to the sky ’cause we will never say bye
By : Mariah Carey

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Think Of You




Yap! Posting-an ngga penting sih sebenernya hahaha cuma gue posting ini disaat gue lagi kepekiran (lagi) sama dia dan lagi kangen aja hahaha. Dan sambil posting ini, gue nunggu dia bales ym gue atau bales sms gue hahaha *ngarep to the max*
Hmm kenapa gue jadi merhatiin dan nungguin dia berasa dia pacar gue ya? Hmm yeah I think I love him. Yaaaa bener gue sayang sama dia. Wohooooo how lucky you are!!!! 



Because Of You

Selamat sore... *nangis*

Hwaaaaaaaaa!! Gue masih bingung sama perasaan gue. Gue harus gimana, apa yang harus gue lakuin sama dia? Kenapa makin hari gue ngerasa makin ngga pantes buat dia? Padahal gue belum pernah nyoba atau ngelakuin apapun buat dia? Kenapa sih? Kenapa gue harus punya perasaan kayak gini? Disaat gue lagi komunikasi sama dia, seakan-akan ngga ada yang gue raguin, ngga ada yang gue takutin, semua gue jalanin enjoy aja. Tapi kenapa disaat dia jauh dari gue, gue ngerasa kehilangan, gue ngerasa ngga pantes buat dia, gue ngerasa semua yang gue lakuin sia-sia? Padahal dia bukan siapa-siapa gue. Kadang gue suka mikir. Kalo gue sms dia nanya lagi dimana, lagi apa, atau apapun bentuknya itu gue suka mikir lagi emang gue siapanya dia? Ngapain gue sms kayak gitu? Gue aja sama dia mungkin di anggep cuma temen. OH GOOOOOOOD!!!!! Gue ngga suka punya perasaan kayak gini. Seumur hidup yang namanya gue suka sama seseorang, ngga pernah yang ngerasa kayak gini. Selalu gue jalanin aja. Mau ending-nya kayak apa juga bodo amat tapi gue selalu ngejalanin dan ngga ada yang namanya hopeless di tengah jalan. Tapi kenapa sekarang kayak gini????? HWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! :"""""""""""""""""((
Gue udah kayak orang gila tau ngga cuma gara2 gue mikirin dia. Mikirin perasaan gue ke dia. Padahal dia tau juga ngga kan tentang perasaan gue. Gue juga yakin dia cuma nganggep gue temen doang, ngga lebih!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Now and Forever

Whenever I'm weary

From the battles that rage in my head

You make sense of madness

When my sanity hangs by a thread

I lose my way but still you seem to understand

Now and forever I will be your man

Sometimes I just hold you

Too caught up in me to see

I'm holding a fortune

That heaven has given to me

I'll try to show you each and every way I can

Now and forever I will be your man

Now I can rest my worries and always be sure

That I won't be alone anymore

If I only known you were there all the time

All this time

Until the day the ocean doesn't touch the sand

Now and forever I will be your man

Now and forever I will be your man

By : Keith Martin


Selamat malam.. *ngga semangat*

Yap! Gue lagi ngga semangat banget hari ini, hmm tapi lebih tepatnya malam ini, saat ini. Kenapa? Hmm yaaaaa masalahnya itu-itu aja sih tentang cowok. Gue bingung mesti gimana lagi, gue ngga tau harus gimana, ngga tau apa yang harus gue lakuin buat perasaan gue sendiri. Sebenernya dari kemaren-kemaren udah mau mundur aja tapi selalu ngga jadi karena setiap orang yang gue mintain pendapat selalu bilang, "udahlah de, jalanin aja dulu. perasaan dia juga ngga ada yang tau kan? kalo seandainya dia punya perasaan yang sama kayak lo kan ngga ada yang tau juga. jadi yaudah jalanin aja apa adanya..." Hmmmmmmm kata-kata itu yang selalu kayaknya menghipnotis otak gue untuk terys positive thinking tentang cowok itu. Tapiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, sebenernya gue ngga yakin sama apa yang gue jalanin. Maksudnya gini, gue ngga yakin kalo dia bakal punya perasaan yang sama kayak gue. Gue sadar gue ngga ada apa-apanya di banding mantan-mantan dia yang sebelumnya. Gue ngerasa ngga pantes aja untuk ngedapetin dia. Tapi disisi lain gue juga mau dia pacar gue. Karena apa? Karena ya gue sayang sama dia. Huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Perasaan macam apa ini? Gue nga suka punya perasaan kayak gini. Gue mau punya perasaan yang normal aja. Hmm ya jujur sih, baru kali ini gue kayak gini. Baru kali ini gue ngerasa hopeless sampe bahkan gue ngerasa ngga pantes buat cowok itu. Kenapa ya? Gue sendiri bingung lho kenapa huhuhu :"(
Ada satu temen gue, ya sebut aja namanya si A (cewek). Gue cerita sama dia dan dia menyarankan untuk supaya gue ngeyakinin perasaan gue dan coba jalanin dulu sama si cowok itu. Dan jangan terlalu nunjukin kalo gue suka sama dia. Jadi yaaaa, jaim jaim dikit deh gitu.
Tapi, ada satu temen gue lagi sebut aja namanya si B (cewek). Gue cerita sama dia dan dia juga bilang jalanin aja dulu dan sebagainya. Tapi yang jadi perbedaan adalah temen gue ini bilang kalo seandainya gue ketemuan nanti sama dia, gue disuruh menyatakan apa yang gue rasakan. tapi cuma sekedar bilang aja ngga ada unsur gue nembak atau gimana. Katanya sih supaya plong aja gitu hati gue. Ya bener juga sih kata dia, tapi kan gue takuuuuuuuuuuuuut :(( Yang bikin gue takut adalah gue takut dia berubah sama gue jadinya. Jadi ngga kayak biasanya lagi. Hiks..... *nangis kejer*
Yaaaa segini aja deh gue curhatnya, ngga mau tambah nangis lagi huhu. Siapapun yang baca ini, bantu gue doooong harus gimana. Gue bener-bener stuck dan ngga tau harus gimana. Thanks before.. :"(

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Boy Is Mine

Excuse me, can I please talk to you for a minute
Uh huh, sure, you know you look kinda familiar
Yeah, you do too but, hmm
I just wanted to know do you know
somebody named
you know his name
Oh, yeah definitely, I know his name
I just wanted to let you know, he’s mine
Uh,no, no he’s mine
You need to give it up
Had about enough
It’s not hard to see
The boy is mine
I’m sorry that you
Seem to be confused
He belongs to me
The boy is mine
I think it’s time we got this straight
Let’s sit and talk, face to face
There is no way you could mistake him, for your man
Are you insane
See I know that you may be
Just a bit jealous of me
Cause you’re blind if you can’t see
That his love is all in me
See I tried to hesitate
I didn’t want to say, what he told me
He said, without me
He couldn’t make it through the day
Ain’t that a shame
And maybe you misunderstood
Cause I can’t see how he could
Wanna take his time and that’s all good
All of my love was all it took
You need to give it up
Had about enough
It’s not hard to see
The boy is mine
I’m sorry that you
Seem to be confused (confused)
He belongs to me
The boy is mine
Must you do the things you do
Keep on acting like a fool
You need to know, it’s me not you
And if you didn’t know it, girl it’s true
I think that you should realize
And try to understand, why
He is a part of my life
I know it’s killing you inside
You can say what you wanna say
What we have, you can’t take
From the truth, you can’t escape
I can tell the real, from the fake
When will you get the picture
You’re the past, I’m the future
Get away, it’s my time to shine
If you didn’t know, the boy is mine
You need to give it up
Had about enough (enough)
It’s not hard to see (to see)
The boy is mine (the boy is mine)
I’m sorry that you (sorry that you)
Seem to be confused (seem to be confused)
He belongs to me (he belongs to me)
The boy is mine (the boy is mine)
You need to give it up (ooh)
Had about enough (had about enough)
It’s not hard to see (hes mine hes mine hes mine hes mine)
The boy is mine
I’m sorry that you (I’m so sorry)
Seem to be confused (you seem to be confused)
He belongs to me (he belongs to me)
The boy is mine
You can’t destroy this love I’ve found
Your silly games, I won’t allow
The boy is mine, without a doubt
You might as well throw in the towel
What makes you think that he wants you
When I’m the one that brought him to
This special place that’s in my heart
Cause he was my love, right from the start
You need to give it up
Had about enough
It’s not hard to see
The boy is mine oohh
I’m sorry that you (I’m sorry that you)
Seem to be confused
He belongs to me
The boy is mine
You need to give it up
Had about enough
It’s not hard to see
The boy is mine
I’m sorry that you
Seem to be confused
He belongs to me
The boy is mine
You need to give it up
Had about enough
It’s not hard to see
The boy is mine
I’m sorry that you
Seem to be confused
He belongs to me
The boy is mine
I’m sorry that you
Seem to be confused
He belongs to me
The boy is mine
By: Glee Cast

Sunday, August 8, 2010

For Aulia :)

Hey guys! Selamat malam hehehe :))

Gue posting buat adek gue yang tersayang namanya Ratu Aulia Sapirah. Yaaaa gue kenal dia udah lumayan lama tapi baru ketemu sekali hehe. Selama gue kenal dia, gue sering curhat-curhatan, yaaa kita asik banget deh kalo lagi curhat-curhatan hehehe. Tapi, sekarang adek gue ini lagi ada masalaah :((. Dia lagi ada masalah dengan, bagaimana caranya melupakan mantan yang paling disayang hehe.
Hmm Aulia sayaaaang, jangan sedih terus yaaa. Aku yakin kok, kamu bisa ngelewatin semua ini tanpa nangis-nangisan. Kamu masih punya keluarga, temen, sahabat, dan aku yang sayaaaaaaaaaaaaaang banget sama kamu. Jadi coba deh jangan terus-terusan mikirin mantan kamu. Kalo kamu terbiasa dengan ngga mikirin dia, pasti lama kelamaan kamu bisa lupa sama dia. Walaupun emang butuh waktu panjang. Posisi kamu sekarang itu sama kayak waktu aku jadian sama bayu. Setelah putus ya aku nangis-nangis kayak kamu karena aku ngerasa kehilangan banget. Apalagi pas tau dia jadian sama cewek lain hmm rasanya kayak mau mati aja. Tapi aku ngga terus-terusan nangis. Aku coba bangkit walaupun emang susah banget. Tapi aku percaya aku bisa. Kamu sama aku itu sama, sama-sama lemah. Ngga bisa bohongin perasaan sendiri. Tapi kalo kita mau, kita pasti bisa kok sayang. Percaya sama aku, ini cuma awal aja kok. Lama kelamaan pasti lupa! Tapi dengan catatan, jangan pernah kamu coba untuk ngelupain dia. Semakin kamu mau ngelupain dia, semakin ngga bisa kamu untuk ngelupain dia. Let it flow aja sayang, jalanin semua apa adanya. Kalo tiba-tiba keingetan sama dia, coba alihin dengan kegiatan lagi. Ngapain aja, asal yang positif yaaa! Aku ngga suka kamu ngelampiasin dengan cara yang kamu posting di blog kamu. Itu ngga nyelesain masalah dek, malah nambah masalah nantinya. Mending kamu ngapain kek, jalan sama temen, belajar kek, renang kek, main sepeda kek, main ps kek, main uno kek kayak foto yang kamu twitpict di twitter, ngapain aja asal POSITIF! Yaaaaaa?? :))
Sekarang ikhlasin dia sama cewek lain. Doain dia semoga bahagia. Dan kamu juga berdoa buat diri kamu sendiri supaya dikasih yang terbaik sama Allah. Pesen aku cuma satu ya sayang, kalo lagi ada masalah jangan pernah ngelampiasin dengan cara yang negatif. Oke?? Aku harap kalo kamu ada apa-apa cerita sama aku. Supaya kamu ngga salah bergaul kayak yang kamu posting di blog kamu hehe. Aku tau kamu anak baik dan aku ngga mau kamu salah jalan.

Another You

If I traveled all around the world
I know what I would find
Someone half as smart
Someone half as sweet
Half as lovely and half as kind
If I was the ruler of
A kingdom with a house of wives to choose
It wouldn’t even quite compare
To what I’ve got right here with you
So if I stumble just a bit
trying to say what’s on my mind?
Please excuse me cuz I never felt
the way that I feel inside
It’s possible
I may have finally have found my dream come true
There can never be another you
The stars are bright tonight
They know you are mine all mine
I knew that it would be alright when my other dreams fell through
And for this very night I’ve waited all my life
Standing straight and tall
I give my all to you
So please excuse me if I
Stumbled just a bit
Trying to say what’s on my mind
Please excuse me cuz I never felt the way that I feel inside
It’s possible
I may have finally found my dream come true
There can never be another you
There can never be another you

By : Brian McKnight

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Song of the day..

Taylor Swift - White Horse

Say you're sorry
That face of an angel
Comes out just when you need it to
As I paced back and forth all this time
Cause I honestly believed in you
Holding on
The days drag on
Stupid girl,
I should have known, I should have known

I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale
I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet,
Lead her up the stairwell
This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town,
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down
Now it's too late for you
And your white horse, to come around

Baby I was naive,
Got lost in your eyes
And never really had a chance
My mistake, I didn't wanna be in love
You had to fight to have the upper hand
I had so many dreams
About you and me
Happy endings
Now I know

I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale
I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet,
Lead her up the stairwell
This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town,
I was a dreamer before you went and let me down
Now it's too late for you
And your white horse, to come around

And there you are on your knees,
Begging for forgiveness, begging for me
Just like I always wanted but I'm sooo sorry

Cause I'm not your princess, this ain't a fairytale
I'm gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well
This is a big world, that was a small town
There in my rearview mirror disappearing now
And its too late for you and your white horse
Now its too late for you and your white horse, to catch me now

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa
Try and catch me now
Oh, it's too late
To catch me now

My Besties

Hellooooooooooooooo :))
Baru posting lagi nich dirikuuuu hahaha pada kangen ngga sih sama gue? hahaha-_-
Hmm gue pengen sharing nich, kemaren gue jalan sama aniiiiiiiiin :D
Sebenernya sih gue juga yang minta anin temenin gue pergi ke kemang. Abisnya gue disuruh sama nyokap gue ke kemang untuk ngambil pesenan bantalnya dia sendirian. Ya daripada sendirian mending gue minta temenin sama anin, kebetulan dia itu lagi libur kuliah hehehe. Gue malem-malemnya hari kamis ym-an sama anin buat nentuin mau ketemu dimana. Ya karena kita sama-sama ngga tau jalan sebenernya hahahahaha. Setelah lama ym-an sama anin, akhirnya gue sama dia ketemuan di kampus Unindra. Gue janjian sama anin jam 8.

Besok pagi-paginya jam setengah 7 anin udah sms gue, bilang "dee, gue udah otw unindra yaaa. tapi gue masih di jati asih sekarang" dan kalian tau?? Pas anin sms itu gue belom melek mata alias gue masih enak-enaknya moloooooooooooooor hahahaha maaf ya nin :p yaudah jam 7 gue baru bangun terus langsung sms anin, bilang gue mau mandi. Setetelah gue mandi dan beres-beres segala macem. Jam setengah 8 gue berangkat deh ke unindra.

Hmm emang dasar Jakarta yeeeeee kaga bisa ditebak jalanannya. Gue jalan jam segitu macet sekaleeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Sampe pegel gue nyetir sendirian lagi macet-macet gitu hhhhh-,,- kira2 jam setengah 9 gue baru sampe unindra. Dan ketemu deeeeeeh sama anin hihi akhirnyaaaaaaaaa ketemu juga setelah beberapa kali janjian ketemu selalu ngga jadi hahaha.

Dari unindra kita jalan ke kemang. Dan gue langsung ke tempat yang ngambil pesenan nyokap gue. Sayang seribu sayang, tokonya belom buka hmm yaudah akhirnya puter balik dan gue sama anin langsung capcus cyiiiin ke mcd kemang. Setelah beberapa menit, sampailah kita di mcd kemang. Bodohnya gue, pake salah parkir lagi gue hahaha (memalukan). Yasudah kita masuk kedalem, mesen makanan karena gue juga belum sarapan hahaha. Sambil makan kita ngobrol-ngobrol dech (dari awal ketemu juga udah nyerocos cerita aja gue padahal--").

Tanpa terasa udah jam setengah 11 aja hahaha akhirnya gue sama anin langsung capcus cyiiiiin ke tempat nyokap gue mesen bantal. Selesai dari sana, anin nemenin gue dulu ke rumah tante eko buat nganterin baju. Unyunyunyuuuuuuu anin baik yaaa haha :p

Yaudah akhirnya setelah itu, gue nganterin anin sampe auri dan dia langsung naik angkot ke kampung rambutan. Tapi selama perjalanan anin tuh sibuk banget ngehubungin abang(pacarnya) karena ngga ada kabar. Gara-gara pacarnya lagi di tidung hahaha cabar yach cayaaaang :*

Hmm hehe thanks banget ya anin yang udah mau nemenin gue kesana kemari hehehehe. Thanks juga yaaaaa udah mau dengerin curhatan gue yaaaaaang ngga ada abisnya hahaha :p 
I love you, Aniiiiiiiin!! The best deh lo hihi mwach! ♥

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Song of the day..

Lady Gaga - Paparazzi

We are the crowd
We’re c-coming out
Got my flash on it’s true
Need that picture of you

It’s so magical
We’d be so fantastical
Leather and jeans
Your watch glamorous
Not sure what it means
But this photo of us
It don’t have a price
Ready for those flashing lights
‘Cause you know that baby I
I’m your biggest fan
I’ll follow you until you love me
Baby there’s no other superstar
You know that I’ll be your
Promise I’ll be kind
But I won’t stop until that boy is mine
Baby you’ll be famous
Chase you down until you love me
I’ll be your girl
Backstage at your show
Velvet ropes and guitars
Yeah cause you’ll know
I’m staring between the sets
Eyeliner and cigarettes
Shadow is burnt
Yellow dance and return
My lashes are dry
But with teardrops I cry
It don’t have a price
Loving you is cherry pie
‘Cause you know that baby I
I’m your biggest fan
I’ll follow you until you love me
Baby there’s no other superstar
You know that I’ll be your
Promise I’ll be kind
But I won’t stop until that boy is mine
Baby you’ll be famous
Chase you down until you love me
Real good
(We dance in the studio)
Snap, snap
(To that shit on the radio)
Don’t stop boy, let it rewind
We’ll blast it but we’ll still have fun
I’m your biggest fan
I’ll follow you until you love me
Baby there’s no other superstar
You know that I’ll be your
Promise I’ll be kind
But I won’t stop until that boy is mine
Baby you’ll be famous
Chase you down until you love me